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If you want your news/articles to be promoted on this page, send your information to Nigel Gloade, Communications Officer at or call (902) 324-3379.
Be sure to include ALL relevant information (including the who, what, when, where, why and how to find out more).

Posts in Notice
Further Provincewide Restrictions to Slow Omicron Variant

The Province is strengthening restrictions around masking, gatherings and physical distancing to protect the healthcare system and other critical workforces from the threat of the Omicron variant of COVID-19.

“We did not want to impose more restrictions on Nova Scotians leading into the holidays. But even if illness remains mild, the exponential spread of the Omicron variant is threatening critical workforces like healthcare, fire, police and paramedics,” said Premier Tim Houston. “We need further restrictions to ensure everyone slows down, reins in their socializing, and limits opportunities for the virus to spread. It may mean a smaller Christmas dinner than you’d planned, but it’s better to be small and safe.”

Nova Scotia has announced 2,590 new cases of COVID-19 since December 15, including the highest daily totals since the pandemic started.

“In addition to protecting critical workforces, we have several new hospitalizations in Nova Scotia and we’re seeing concerning trends in other jurisdictions,” said Dr. Robert Strang, Chief Medical Officer of Health for Nova Scotia. “With high case numbers, even a very small percentage with severe illness could overload our hospitals. We need to take these steps now to protect those who are most vulnerable and maintain a functional healthcare system in the weeks ahead.”

The updated restrictions below replace the list released last week and are effective at 6 a.m. on Wednesday, December 22. They will be in place until at least January 12 and will be re-evaluated then.

Physical distance and mask requirements

  • physical distance of two metres (six feet) is required indoors and outdoors, except among people in the same household or a consistent social group of up to 10 people

  • masks are required in areas of workplaces where physical distance cannot be achieved, as well as common areas, areas where people are serving the public and areas with poor ventilation

  • people must be seated to remove their mask for eating or drinking; at movie theatres, they must go to a designated area for eating and drinking

  • all other mask requirements for indoor public places remain, including wearing them when seated for other activities

  • individuals, businesses and organizations all have responsibility for ensuring mask requirements are followed and can all be subject to enforcement action.

Gathering limits

  • indoor and outdoor informal gatherings, typically at home, are limited to 10 people from the same household or consistent social group; physical distance and proof of full vaccination are not required; masks are not required except in indoor public places

  • only virtual events are allowed – there are no in-person events such as festivals, social events, special events (including receptions), sports games or tournaments, or arts and culture performances

  • a limit of 10 participants indoors and 25 outdoors applies to sports practices and training; physical distance is not required, and masks are recommended when possible indoors and outdoors; spectators are not allowed

  • a limit of 10 participants indoors and 25 outdoors applies to professional and amateur arts and culture rehearsals and virtual performances; professionals must have a plan for their workplace; physical distance is not required, and masks are recommended when possible indoors and outdoors; spectators and competitions are not allowed

  • Nova Scotia children ages 11 and younger continue to be restricted from participating in sports and arts and culture events outside the province

  • gathering limits of 25 per cent of capacity to a maximum of 50 people indoors and outdoors apply to regular faith services, wedding ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and their associated visitation, movie theatres, meetings and training that are hosted by a recognized business or organization, including faith organizations

  • regular in-person faith services can only have one person singing; no choirs or congregational singing are allowed

  • drive-in regular faith services are allowed with no limit on the number of vehicles; the informal gathering limit applies inside each vehicle

  • indoor and outdoor informal wedding ceremonies and faith gatherings, typically at home, are limited to 10 people from the same household or consistent social group, plus one officiant; physical distance and proof of full vaccination are not required; masks are not required except in indoor public places

  • indoor and outdoor funeral ceremonies with a maximum of 10 people, plus officiant and funeral home staff, are allowed without proof of full vaccination but masks and physical distance are required; proof of full vaccination is still required for any visitation

  • day camps can operate with groups of 15 campers, staff and volunteers following day camp guidelines.


  • places like retail businesses, malls, museums, libraries and recreation and leisure businesses and organizations can operate at 50 per cent capacity with physical distance; some examples under recreation and leisure include dance and music lessons, climbing facilities, escape rooms, indoor play places, arcades, golf, shooting ranges and dog training

  • fitness and recreation facilities can operate at 50 per cent capacity with physical distance; personal training is allowed with as much physical distance as possible

  • personal services like hair salons can operate at the maximum capacity possible with physical distancing but cannot offer services that require removing masks

  • food establishments and liquor-licensed establishments can operate at 50 per cent capacity, they must have physical distance between tables; barriers may only be used to achieve 50 per cent capacity but not exceed it; there is a limit of 10 people per table; they must stop dine-in service at 11 p.m. and close by midnight; takeout, drive-thru and delivery can operate later; only one performer is allowed

  • Casino Nova Scotia and First Nations gaming centres can operate at 50 per cent capacity; people playing VLTs must be at least two metres (6 feet) apart; these gaming establishments must stop dine-in service at 11 p.m. and close by midnight

  • activities like cards, darts, pool, bowling and karaoke follow the rules for the setting where they take place, either in licensed establishments or recreation and leisure businesses

  • bingo follows the rules for licensed establishments when in that setting; bingo in non-licensed establishments is a special event which is not allowed.

Long-term care

  • a limit of two visitors at a time with long-term care residents; it must be the same two visitors all the time

  • it is strongly recommended that visitors have a rapid test within 24 hours of the visit if possible

  • visitors can have quick close contact like a hug but then need to stay physically distanced for the rest of the visit

  • the requirement for visitors to wear masks and be fully vaccinated, except for end-of-life visits, remains

  • even if they are fully vaccinated, residents can only leave the facility for medical appointments or for a drive in a facility or visitor’s vehicle with no stops and no contact with other people outside the facility

  • only residents who are eligible and have had a booster dose can access service providers for recreational activities and personal services like hairstyling

  • residents can attend regular faith services in the facility; the room can have 25 per cent capacity to a maximum of 10 people; only one singer; no choirs or congregational singing are allowed

  • if possible, residents should be in consistent groups for dining and activities.

Residents in Disability Support Program homes licensed under the Homes for Special Care Act have the same visitor restrictions as residents in long-term care but can continue to leave the facility as long as they are fully vaccinated. It is strongly recommended that they have a booster dose if they are eligible.

There is no change in the requirement for proof of full vaccination for discretionary activities. It is still required for attendees and volunteers, even in places where gathering limits and physical distance will apply.

Additional Resources:

Nova Scotia coronavirus website:

For more information about COVID-19 testing and online booking, visit:

Government of Canada: or 1-833-784-4397 (toll-free)

The Mental Health Provincial Crisis Line is available 24/7 to anyone experiencing a mental health or addictions crisis, or someone concerned about them, by calling 1-888-429-8167 (toll-free)

Anyone with a non-crisis mental health or addiction concern can call Community Mental Health and Addictions at 1-855-922-1122 (toll-free) weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Kids Help Phone is available 24/7 by calling 1-800-668-6868 (toll-free)

For help or information about domestic violence 24/7, call 1-855-225-0220 (toll-free)

NoticeNigel GloadeNotice
Second confirmed COVID-19 case

We are announcing to our Millbrook community members today that a second confirmed COVID-19 case has been confirmed. This new positive case is likely to be unrelated to the Millbrook Christmas party, we notified you of recently.

This is a reminder while we want you to have a joyous Christmas holiday and be with loved ones, please be mindful of keeping your circle small, wear your mask, practice social distancing and continue to get tested.

The Health Centre has ordered more rapid tests and will have them delivered to homes within the community by next week. There is no date / time as of yet – stay tuned; alternatively, you can go to the nearest Library.

We wish you a safe and Merry Christmas! Please continue to be kind and support one another.

NoticeNigel GloadeNotice
Atlantic Gold (Beaver Dam Mine) Public Comment Opportunity

Dear Band Members,

The Atlantic Gold corporation has submitted responses for their latest round of information requests.

This means that there is a "Public Comment Period," where YOU can have your concerns considered during the regulators decision making process.

We ask that all Millbrook First Nation band members and community members share their thoughts and voice their concerns about an open pit gold mine operating near our reserve lands in Beaver Dam.

Here's how to comment:

When responding, explain how the project will affect you Treaty/Aboriginal rights, health and wellness, access to Crown lands, food security, etc.

Deadline for commenting is Friday, December 17th.

NoticeNigel GloadeNotice
PUBLIC SERVICE ADVISORY - Nova Scotia Health Vaccine Outreach Clinics offering drop-in Pfizer vaccines for children 5 to 11

Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2021


Nova Scotia Health’s COVID-19 vaccine outreach clinics will be offering drop-in vaccination (Pfizer) for children 5 to 11 years old in Central Zone to help support vaccine accessibility.


The clinics are open to anyone age 5 to 11 for their first or second dose at the following locations, at the following times. Please note that these clinics will not have adult doses of vaccine on site.


The North Grove (140-6 Primrose St., Dartmouth)

Monday, Dec. 13 from 3 to 7 p.m. 


Sackville Public Library (636 Sackville Dr., Lower Sackville) 

Tuesday, Dec. 14 from 3 to 7 p.m. 


Keshen Goodman Public Library (330 Lacewood Dr., Halifax)

Wednesday, Dec. 15 from 3 to 7p.m.


Woodlawn Public Library (31 Eisner Blvd. Dartmouth)

Thursday, Dec. 16 from 3 to 7 p.m. 


YMCA Centre for Immigrant Programs (104-7071 Bayers Rd., Halifax) 

Friday, Dec. 17 from 3 to 7 p.m. 


Halifax North Memorial Public Library (2285 Gottingen St., Halifax)

Tuesday, Dec. 21 from 4 to 8 p.m.


St. Andrew’s Community Centre (3380 Barnstead Ln., Halifax)

Tuesday, Dec. 21 from 1 to 6 p.m.


Captain William Spry Community Centre (16 Sussex St, Halifax) 

Thursday, Dec. 23 from 1 to 6 p.m. 


*Children 5 to 11 must wait a minimum of eight weeks between their first and second doses of COVID-19 vaccine.


Parents/guardians will be asked to provide their child’s health card number (if they have one) at the vaccine clinic. Due to limited space, we ask that only one support person accompany each child.

For those with mobility challenges, special needs, and/or have significant anxiety about needles, please notify clinic team members on site.


Transportation to and from vaccine appointments can be organized through Rural Rides for $5 return. Visit to find the nearest provider. Transportation must be booked at least 24 hours in advance.


All eligible Nova Scotians are encouraged to get vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as possible. 


Up-to-date information around COVID-19 cases and resources can be found  

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NoticeNigel GloadeNotice
PUBLIC SERVICE ADVISORY   Potential exposures to COVID-19 at locations in Northern and Eastern Zones and on four flights

November 29, 2021


Nova Scotia Health Public Health is advising of potential exposures to COVID-19 at locations in Northern and Eastern Zones and on four flights. In addition to media releases, all potential exposure notifications are listed here:


As Nova Scotia moves into a stage of living with COVID-19 as we go about our daily activities, there will be changes in how Public Health communicates COVID-19 public exposures. We will no longer be issuing exposures based on the risk levels of low, moderate, or high. We will be issuing COVID precaution notifications and COVID exposure notifications, where your self-isolation and testing requirements will be based on your vaccination status. You can find this information in this table.


COVID PRECAUTION NOTIFICATION (there has been a potential exposure of minimal risk to the public) 

If you were present at the following location on the named date and times, you are required to follow the instructions in this table for a COVID-19 Precaution Notification based on your vaccination status.


·      Springhill Miners Memorial Library (8 Pioneer St., Springhill) on:

o  Nov. 18 between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. 

o  Nov. 25 between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. 

It is anticipated that anyone exposed to the virus at this location on the named date may develop symptoms up to, and including, Dec. 9. 


·      Rath Eastlink Community Centre - aquatics area only (625 Abenaki Rd., Truro) on Nov. 24 between 3:15 p.m. and 4:40 p.m. It is anticipated that anyone exposed to the virus at this location on the named date may develop symptoms up to, and including, Dec. 8.


·      Boston Pizza (68 Robie St., Truro) on Nov. 22 between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. It is anticipated that anyone exposed to the virus at this location on the named date may develop symptoms up to, and including, Dec. 6.


·      Swiss Chalet (482 Grand Lake Rd., Sydney) on Nov. 24 between 4:30 p.m. and 6:15 p.m. It is anticipated that anyone exposed to the virus at this location on the named date may develop symptoms up to, and including, Dec. 8.


COVID EXPOSURE NOTIFICATION (the public has had close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19)

If you were on the following flights in the specified rows and seats on the named dates and times, you are required to follow the instructions in this table for a COVID-19 Exposure Notification based on your vaccination status. 


·      WestJet 249 travelling on Nov. 22 from Halifax (12:55 p.m.) to Toronto (2:24 p.m.). Passengers in rows 7 to 13, seats C, D, E and F. It is anticipated that anyone exposed to the virus on this flight on the named date may develop symptoms up to, and including, Dec. 6.


·      Air Canada 59 travelling on Nov. 21 from Doha (9 a.m.) to Toronto (3:35 p.m.). Passengers in rows 31 to 36, seats G, H, J and K. It is anticipated that anyone exposed to the virus on this flight on the named date may develop symptoms up to, and including, Dec. 5.


·      Air Canada 626 travelling on Nov. 21 from Toronto (10:30 p.m.) to Halifax (1:32 a.m.) on Nov. 22. Passengers in rows 24 to 30, seats A, B, C and D. It is anticipated that anyone exposed to the virus on this flight on the named date may develop symptoms up to, and including, Dec. 6.


·      Air Canada 8070 travelling on Nov. 24 from Ottawa (6:05 p.m.) to Halifax (8:40 p.m.) Passengers in rows 12 to 18, seats C, D and F. It is anticipated that anyone exposed to the virus on this flight on the named date may develop symptoms up to, and including, Dec. 8.


For those for whom testing is recommended or required, please book your COVID-19 test at or call 811 if you don’t have online access, or if you have other symptoms that concern you. When booking your test online, please select the reason for testing as: I was at one of the exposure sites at the date and time identified in a recent Public Health public service announcement or letter where testing was recommended. Please get tested at a COVID-19 testing centre or public health mobile unit; do not go to a pop-up rapid testing location. 


Anyone who is travelling within Canada into Nova Scotia must follow the provincial travel regulations based on vaccination status. View details at:


Anyone who is traveling from outside of Canada into Nova Scotia must follow the federal travel regulations based on vaccination status. View details at:


If you are not fully vaccinated, please visit or call 1-833-797-7772.


When Nova Scotia Health Public Health makes a public notification it is not in any way a reflection on the behaviour or activities of those named in the notification.


All Nova Scotians are advised to continue monitoring for COVID-19 symptoms and are urged to follow Public Health guidelines on how to access care. Up to date information about COVID-19 is available at


NoticeNigel GloadeNotice
PUBLIC SERVICE ADVISORY - Nova Scotia Health Outreach offer drop-in Pfizer vaccine clinics in Toney River, Shubenacadie and Debert next week

Thursday, Nov. 25, 2021


Nova Scotia Health Outreach Vaccine Clinics will be touring the Northern Zone next week to help support vaccine availability for Nova Scotians.


These clinics will be providing drop-ins for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to anyone age 12+ for their first or second dose* at the following locations and times:


Toney River Community Hall (4854 Highway 6, Toney River)

Tuesday, Nov. 30 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Drop-in only


Shubenacadie Legion (42 Mill Village Road, Shubenacadie)

Wednesday, Dec. 1 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Drop-in only


Debert Fire Hall (34 Carter Road, Debert)

Thursday, Dec. 2 from 1 to 6 p.m.

Drop-in only


*The National Advisory Committee on Immunization says eight weeks between a first and second dose of COVID-19 vaccine is optimal. Four weeks (28 days) is the minimum time between doses.


Please bring a piece of ID and your health card if you have one. 


For those with mobility challenges, special needs, and/or have significant anxiety about needles, please notify clinic team members on site.


Transportation to and from vaccine appointments can be organized through Rural Rides for $5 return. Visit to find the nearest provider. Transportation must be booked at least 24 hours in advance.


All eligible Nova Scotians are encouraged to get vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as possible. 


Up-to-date information around COVID-19 cases and resources can be found  


NoticeNigel GloadeNotice
PUBLIC SERVICE ADVISORY - Mobile units providing free PCR COVID-19 testing in Western, Central & Northern zones

Wednesday, Nov. 24, 2021


The Public Health mobile units are heading to Clementsvale, Bear River, Lower Sackville, Bedford, Stewiacke and Springhill to offer free PCR COVID-19 testing to all ages. The PCR swish and gargle test will be on site for ages 4 to 18. 


Rapid antigen take-home tests will be available for pick-up (supply limited).


Testing is free and available to anyone who:

·     is experiencing symptoms

·     has no symptoms (asymptomatic)

·     has been to a potential exposure site, or 

·     is a close contact of a positive case of COVID-19. 

The Public Health mobile units will be available for booked appointments and drop-ins at the following locations:



Clementsvale Community Centre (3434 Clementsvale Rd.)

Thursday, Nov. 25, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Drop-in or by appointment.


Bear River Fire Hall (1277 River Rd.)

Friday, Nov. 26, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Drop-in or by appointment.



Sackville Royal Canadian Legion (45 Sackville Cross Rd., Lower Sackville)

Thursday and Friday, Nov. 25 and 26, from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Drop-in or by appointment.


Royal Canadian Legion Branch 95 (1772 Bedford Hwy., Bedford)

Saturday, Nov. 27, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Drop-in or by appointment.



Royal Canadian Legion Branch 70 (299 George St., Stewiacke)

Saturday, Nov. 27, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

By appointment or drop-in.


Dr. Carson & Marion Murray Community Centre (6 Main St., Springhill)

Sunday, Nov. 28, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

By appointment or drop-in.


To book a COVID-19 test, please visit or call 811.

Drop-ins are based on availability. 


Please bring your ID and health card if you have one. 


To see all the upcoming Public Health Mobile Unit locations visit:


Important notes when visiting the mobile unit:

·     You do not need to self-isolate while you wait for your results unless you have symptoms or are directly advised by Public Health to isolate. 

·     The testing method is standard PCR swab or swish and gargle for children and youth. Preparation is required for gargle testing. View instructions.

·     Please bring your health card if you have one.

·     Please dress accordingly when testing is offered outside.


In addition to media releases, all potential exposure notifications are listed here:

NoticeNigel GloadeNotice
Public Service Advisory

Correction to address of Economy Recreation Centre: Nova Scotia Health Outreach offer drop-in Pfizer vaccine clinics in Pugwash, Truro, Scotsburn and Economy next week


Friday, Nov. 19, 2021


Nova Scotia Health Outreach Vaccine Clinics are continuing to tour the Northern Zone next week to help support vaccine availability for Nova Scotians.


These clinics will be providing drop-ins for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to anyone age 12+ for their first or second dose* at the following locations, at the following times:


Pugwash Fire Hall (11057 Hwy. 6)

Tuesday, Nov. 23 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Drop-in only

Pfizer (12+)


Truro Library (754 Prince St.)

Wednesday, Nov. 24 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.   

Drop-in only

Pfizer (12+)


Scotsburn Fire Hall (4179 Scotsburn Rd.)

Thursday, Nov. 25 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Drop-in only

Pfizer (12+)


Correction to address: Economy Recreation Centre (3323 Hwy. #2)

Saturday, Nov. 27 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Drop-in only

Pfizer (12+)


*The National Advisory Committee on Immunization says eight weeks between a first and second dose of COVID-19 vaccine is optimal. Four weeks (28 days) is the minimum time between doses.


Please bring a piece of ID and your health card if you have one. 


For those with mobility challenges, special needs, and/or have significant anxiety about needles, please notify clinic team members on site.


Transportation to and from vaccine appointments can be organized through Rural Rides for $5 return. Visit to find the nearest provider. Transportation must be booked at least 24 hours in advance.


All eligible Nova Scotians are encouraged to get vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as possible. 


Up-to-date information around COVID-19 cases and resources can be found  



NoticeNigel GloadeNotice
Notice to Community

Dear Millbrook First Nation Community Members:

As the Christmas season approaches and we are permitted to gather, it is a wonderful time to come together for the long-standing tradition of Millbrook First Nation hosting seasonal events for community members.

The staff who organize the majority of our Millbrook Band Member events for special occasions put forth many efforts in the planning process, such as conducting site visits, communications back and forth with vendors, scoping locations, preparing detailed itineraries, meals, execution of the events and lastly, clean-up. 

As of late, it has been brought to the attention of many through social media postings that some individuals plan to attend Millbrook Christmas events with the intention of holding their own personally funded draws and give-aways, which were not included in the original agenda of these functions hosted by the Millbrook First Nation.  These generous gestures are important to help the community when feasible; however, we respectfully ask those wishing to provide donations to do so outside of Millbrook First Nation official events as to not interfere with the program and to prevent any misinterpretations of campaigning for the upcoming election by current or prospective members of Council.

Should you have interest in participating, by way of helping the organizer in any of the events; as a volunteer, and to assist this hard-working event committee, (whom organizes these tremendous and time-consuming events) please contact Sunshine Bernard at the Millbrook Health Centre. You can discuss HOW you can offer your time and be a part of these memorable event traditions.

Your support and respect on these guidelines are encouraged as community members. This shows value to those who have taken time to create and follow-through on these events for your enjoyment.

Your cooperation on this matter is appreciated. 


Millbrook First Nation Administration

NoticeNigel GloadeNotice
Public Service Advisory - Nova Scotia Health Vaccine Outreach Clinics offering drop-ins for Pfizer in Central Zone

Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2021


Nova Scotia Health’s COVID-19 vaccine outreach clinics will be offering drop-ins for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in Central Zone to help support vaccine accessibility for residents and nearby community members. 


The clinics are open to anyone age 12+ for their first or second dose at the following locations, at the following times:


Sackville Library (636 Sackville Dr., Lower Sackville)

Monday, Nov. 15 from 3 to 7 p.m.


North Preston Community Centre (44 Simmonds Rd., North Preston)

Tuesday, Nov. 16 from 1 to 6 p.m.


Woodlawn Public Library (31 Eisner Blvd. Dartmouth)

Wednesday, Nov. 17 from noon to 6 p.m.


Parents and Children Together (Suite 102-1114 Cole Harbour Rd., Cole Harbour)

Monday, Nov. 22 from noon to 4 p.m.


Family Resource Centre of West Hants (61 Morison Drive, Windsor)

Tuesday, Nov. 23 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.


North Grove (140-6 Primrose St, Dartmouth)

Friday, Dec. 3 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.


Community members will be asked to provide their health card number (if they have one) and ID at the vaccine clinic.


For those with mobility challenges, special needs, and/or have significant anxiety about needles, please notify clinic team members on site. Having this information in advance helps the clinic team better prepare to offer support.


All eligible Nova Scotians are encouraged to get vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as possible. 


Up-to-date information around COVID-19 cases and resources can be found at

NoticeNigel GloadeNotice

 COVID-19 community spread in Amherst area: residents encouraged to stay home when sick, get tested, and get vaccinated


Friday, November 5, 2021


There are signs of COVID-19 community spread in the Amherst and Cumberland County area as a result of the clusters in Nova Scotia Health’s Northern Zone. Public Health is asking you to follow these measures to protect your community and yourself from further spread of the virus:


1.     Stay home if you’re sick.

            If you or your family members have symptoms, keep them home. COVID-19 symptoms are:

·      A new or worsening cough

            OR two or more of the following: 

·      Fever (chills, sweats)

·      Runny nose/nasal congestion 

·      Sore throat

·      Headache

·      Shortness of breath (difficulty breathing)


2.     Get tested.


PCR Testing

If you have symptoms, get a PCR test, even if you are fully vaccinated. Stay isolated until you receive a negative test result. Visit or call 811 to book an appointment at:


Amherst COVID-19 Testing Centre

34 Prince Arthur Street

9 a.m. to 5 p.m. seven days a week

Appointments recommended, limited drop-ins available. 


New Glasgow COVID-19 Testing Centre 

678 East River Road, New Glasgow

9 a.m. to 5 p.m. seven days a week


Truro COVID-19 Testing Centre (Rath Eastlink Community Centre, Seniors’ Clinic Entrance)

524 Abenaki Road, Truro

9 a.m. to 5 p.m. seven days a week


Rapid Testing

If you don’t have symptoms and haven’t been exposed to COVID-19, you can access rapid testing at:


Maggie's Place

11 Elmwood Drive, Amherst 

·     Friday, November 5 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

·     Saturday, November 6 from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m.

·     Sunday, November 7 from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m.


Test-to-protect take-home rapid testing (through public schools)

If you have children in school, use the test-to-protect take-home rapid tests, even if your child has only one symptom.


3.     Get vaccinated and encourage loved ones to be vaccinated against COVID-19.


We encourage all eligible Nova Scotians to get fully vaccinated as soon as possible.

Drop in to:

·     any NS Health drop-in COVID-19 vaccine clinic, listed at:

·     a Pharmacy Association of NS COVID-19 vaccine walk-in clinic, listed at

Or book an appointment:

·     online at

·     or call 1-833-797-7772.


Thank you for your help to protect your community by preventing further spread of COVID-19 in the Amherst and Cumberland County area!

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Provincial media line: 1-844-483-3344


About Nova Scotia Health 

Nova Scotia Health provides health services to Nova Scotians and a wide array of specialized services to Maritimers and Atlantic Canadians. We operate hospitals, health centres and community-based programs across the province. Our team of health professionals includes employees, doctors, researchers, learners and volunteers. We also work in partnership with community groups, schools, governments, foundations and auxiliaries and community health boards. Visit for more. 

NoticeNigel GloadeNotice
Confirmation letters/Direct Deposit deadline - November 2021 Millbrook Enterprise Credit (MEC)

Attention Millbrook band members that require a confirmation for your November 2021 Millbrook Enterprise Credit (MEC) application.  Please contact Jay Martin or Theresa Leblanc at the Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq, 902-895-6385, toll free 1-877-892-2424 or by email: (shared email);   We will need your full legal name, date of birth, band registration number and your permission to share this information with the Millbrook band.


Membership delivers confirmation letters to the Millbrook band office once a week.  This week’s delivery date is Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021 (Note: this is the deadline for direct deposit – if you want your confirmation letter delivered to Millbrook in order to meet the direct deposit deadline, contact us no later than 2pm on November 3rd, 2021.)


Jay Martin & Theresa Leblanc

Band  Membership Department

The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq

PO Box 1590

Truro NS   B2N 5V3

Toll free:  1-877-892-2424

Public Service Advisory Nova Scotia Health Vaccine Outreach Clinics offering drop-ins for Pfizer in Amherst, Wallace and Elmsdale next week

Public Service Advisory

Nova Scotia Health Vaccine Outreach Clinics offering drop-ins for Pfizer in Amherst, Wallace and Elmsdale next week


October 27, 2021


Nova Scotia Health’s COVID-19 vaccine outreach clinics will be offering drop-ins for the Pfizer vaccine in Amherst, Wallace and Elmsdale next week to help support vaccine accessibility for residents and nearby community members. 


The clinics are open to anyone age 12+ for their first or second dose* at the following locations, at the following times:


Amherst Youth Centre (17 Lawrence St.)

Monday, Nov. 1 from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Drop-ins only.


Wallace Community Centre, (13938 Rte. 6)

Tuesday, Nov. 2 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Drop-ins only.


Lloyd E. Matheson Centre (15 Commerce St., Elmsdale)

Wednesday, Nov. 3 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Drop-ins only.


*To be eligible for a second dose, it must be 28 days or more since the first dose, or 21 days or more if the first dose was Pfizer.


Community members will be asked to provide their health card number (if they have one) and ID at the vaccine clinic.


For those with mobility challenges, special needs, and/or have significant anxiety about needles, please notify clinic team members on site. Having this information helps the clinic team better offer support. 


All eligible Nova Scotians are encouraged to get vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as possible. 


For a list of other drop-in vaccine clinics available across the province, please visit


Up-to-date information around COVID-19 cases and resources can be found at


NoticeNigel GloadeNotice
Custom Election Code Survey

The Millbrook Election Committee (MEC) is seeking input to help in the drafting of Millbrook's Custom Election Code.

The MEC is a community-based group of band members, with diverse backgrounds, tasked with developing a custom leadership selection process that will replace the Indian Act election process.

The group has been meeting since January of 2021 and is nearing completion. Please answer the following questions to help the MEC with their policy development.

Responses will be kept completely anonymous and confidential.


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